Seeking to give a “meaning” to my life, I realized my life project, by concretizing Les Gourmandises Bio in Haute-Saône
to be an awakener to the flavours of the earth, with a respect for life.
This place located in Natura 2000 zone is the summary of my convictions as ecological as ideological and especially human, because the house without this last dimension would only be a roof to shelter me (pretty certainly !).
Because my quest is well beyond…
A haven of peace… Come and enjoy a nature bath in a green setting, slow down for a week-end or more, come and feel more alive, breathe and smell the fragrances of earth and nature…
At the heart of the project there is a wish to be self-sufficient (food and energy).
My commitment to the environment is above all a way of thinking the world, illustrated by the concept of sustainable development with its 3 pillars: respect for the environment, social responsibility and economic viability. Because “bio” (organic) means life in Greek and life doesn’t stop at our plate, it is important to have a global reflexion on our way of life: which detergent to choose? which cleaning products, which paper, which cotton, which means of transportation?
As many questions summarized in a single one: